Saga Book Club: The Saga of the Volsungs Review

This is my review of the June Saga Book Club pick, The Saga of the Volsungs, which is also known as Völsunga Saga. This Saga was written anonymously, and the translation that I read is by Jesse L. Byock - it's easy to read and modern, unlike the William Morris and Eiríkur Magnússon, which is much more archaic (though that does add a certain charm to it too).

In this video, I talk about the appearances of Odin, Women and Witchcraft, things that inspired or have parallels with J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, revenge and the theme of inescapable fate.

Saga Book Club: The Saga of Grettir the Strong Review

So I finally finished Grettis Saga today. I say finally, not in a negative way (I loved it) but because it has taken me quite a long time to read it. Just over two months, to be precise, which isn’t ideal when you’re trying to start a book club, luckily, it’s a one-person club at the moment because that would be embarrassing!

Perhaps what I loved the most about the Saga was all the weird supernatural encounters, prophecies and curses - very spooky in places! Namely, chapter 35 which is an absolute highlight of the saga; it had me on the edge of my seat while simultaneously reeling at the horrific showdown between Grettir and Glam!

And again, how humorous the characters can be - like no one told me the Sagas would actually be laugh-out-loud funny 😆

Also, are the Sagas just the SGU (Snorri Góði universe) because he’s getting MCU levels of cameos in this one, and I know for a fact he’s in several others too!!!


January Books

It’s been a slow start to the year in terms of reading, but I have nevertheless enjoyed all of the books I read this month, which doesn’t usually happen!

A Handful of Dates by Tayeb Salih

I read this super short story…like really super short (it’s 5 pages!) by Salih because I fell in love with his writing style last year after reading Seasons of Migration to the North, a powerful post-colonial novel set in Sudan. Again, he manages to evoke a sense of setting and lifestyle quite vividly, even in just 5 pages! Can’t wait to read The Wedding of Zein and any other translations I can get my hands on

The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

I listened to The Bell Jar on audible, and I must say Maggie Gyllenhaal’s narration is perfection. I so was immersed in the story, and I really enjoyed her intonation and how she performed this very conversational and confessional text. As for the narrative itself, wow, it was dark…and uncomfortably relatable in some places. I’ve been through some dark times in my life and the toxic thought patterns and destructive behaviour that Esther partakes in felt a bit too close to home! But overall The Bell Jar is a powerful story and is perhaps overshadowed by the tragedy of Plath herself, she, unlike Esther, succeeded in taking her own life. Is succeeded even the right word here?

The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson - Book Club Pick

Norse Mythology has interested me for years, and it’s almost ridiculous that I have only just read it now. The main and one of the only surviving collections of Norse myths! Because Vikings, like the Greeks and other “ancient” civilisations, had a largely oral tradition, it is often many years later that the stories are written down. Such was the case with The Prose Edda; the believed author Sturlusson was a Christian and writing perhaps 400 years later! This makes the reading of Edda rather intriguing…or is that just my English Lit brain firing up again…ooh authorial intent…what can I infer from this.

It’s also worth noting that this text has inspired so much from J.R.R Tolkein’s legendary Middle Earth books (fun fact many names like Gandalf and Thorin (from The Hobbit) are taken from The Prose Edda!) to the wonderful American Gods by Neil Gaiman (and its fantastic TV adaptation which is currently airing its 3rd season on Amazon Prime). And, of course, you can’t forget Marvel, which with its hilarious and playful spin on the original mythology, has made Thor, Loki, Odin and Heimdall household names.

I enjoyed dipping in and out of The Prose Edda (which was the first Book Club pick, February’s selection will be announced soon!) while bundled under a blanket with a fire crackling…on my tv screen and sipping coffee. To borrow from the Danes, reading this book has been a wonderful dose of Hygge these past few weeks.

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The Prose Edda

Let me know in the comments section what books and short stories you’ve read this month.

Book Club: Announcement + The Prose Edda

I am starting a new Book Club. It’s all about global literature.

It will allow me to curate the reading list around one of my biggest passions in reading, World Literature. I love exploring different cultures through their literature, and it again fits in with the ethos of this Book Club, epic stories and ‘seeing’ all the world has to offer through books.

Just check back here at the end of each month to discuss the book and find out what we’ll be reading the following month.


The first read of the Book Club will be none other than The Prose Edda by Icelandic historian, poet, and politician Snorri Sturluson (there is debate around whether he wrote the whole thing it or just compiled it and wrote the last section). It is the most comprehensive collection of Norse Mythology that has survived to this day.

Where to get your copy from:

Free copy from Project Gutenberg

Second hand from AbeBooks

New from Waterstones

Our journey so far:

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